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  1. Shit man by the time you guys figure it out, eft with have dropped out of the beta phase and be released as a full game
  2. Just wait another 7 months man. They may have an update for you then
  3. Lol been saying it for a while now. It’s dead. Chod and other devs are good but not better than BE. Sucks to suck
  4. So how much longer is everybody going to wait before they give up on hacking in EfT again? This is beginning to become more funny than anything. Im just curious when enough is enough and people bail for good
  5. Yeah all I can say is wait for the next big game to come out because EfT won’t be making a return to active status any time “soon” as they say.
  6. Faze1

    Tick Tock

    Seems nothing has changed yet. It’s funny because people called it. Oh well
  7. Never said I was gonna cheese did I ya scrub? Get good and enjoy the game. But paying almost as much as the game just to cheat in the game? I mean really? How pathetic are you
  8. 65 bucks a month for cheese? Not worth it. Sorry but I’m pretty sure I’m out
  9. Here is the thing, with making the cheese slot or invite only, how much profit would this group be missing out on if they only invited select people? How would they determine who gets chosen or not? And then what kind of reputation would that give to CHOD and co? They have beat anti cheat systems before and they will continue to do it. The thing about it is that the people who don't get chosen, could get salty and immediately report the platform to BE and then everybody is out for even longer.
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