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Everything posted by Trino

  1. ive never played tarkov again with cheats running after 0.12 and i can tell ya it makes waaaay more fun to play legit.
  2. Time is over guys !!! BE will take all your money !!! i love it !!!
  3. I can tell you the BSG-Devs are hin here 100% Even if they do it on private you have to understand that BE watches all your stats and what you do in the game.... So maybe you cheat for one week or two but trust me after that period of time u get a ban in every case Time to cheat is over ! And i love it to be honest with you guys
  4. You guys are fucked anyways by BE Theres noway you cheese with this public cheese with the new battle Eye
  5. I can tell you. BE will find every hacker at some point... It is so so so hard to use constant cheese without getting a ban. Especially if the cheat is for the public... BE is very very strong i saw that in BF1.... you play 7 days with only wallhack and u get ur ban after that 7 days
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