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Everything posted by Code

  1. times we had before are long gone, I have wasted like 400 on private, newly released EFT cheats. It's actually fucking promising that chod isn't just releasing for the sake of it or just throwing a cheat out there and band aid it just to make money. so we can expect a safe, fully featured cheat when he's done. it isn't new news that chod takes his protection and security seriously.
  2. I am from UK, but I know it's english. offer me a reasonable price!
  3. Full access. Selling cheap so get at me for bargain!
  4. You're the only one to mention the correct game. also, EFT, MW would be ideal two cheats to have long with apex, DBD etc
  5. I want a description of your stats (all stats) kills/deaths/sr etc. post below if you have a good account. I wont be paying anything like I would for a clean/unused. telling me you have not cheesed on it will not fly for me!
  6. Code

    message me when you can middle man for me please.. 

  7. when your back just message a staff member or ask a staff member in chat to be the middle man
  8. £20.00 Paypal bro, you can use a middle man if you like i.e staff member etc. if no middle man, details won't be handed over till payment is received.
  9. totally understand where your coming from bro, no worries at all bro
  10. I have put in a request to change which takes two weeks. I am kind of wanting the original email, that is why I put in the change of email, but it takes a stupid 2 weeks. but I might be willing to let you hold on to the email for 2 weeks, unless your willing to trust me for 2 weeks, I got no reason to scam you what so ever.
  11. Selling Steam/uPlay account with Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate Edition (w/o Y4) all emails and passwords will be handed over. still has all the unopened packs!
  12. {STANDARD ACCOUNT} Looking to sell my EFT account and blizzard account, together or separate...will sell for cash or subscriptions to another cheat. stats don't really matter due to game wipes, but it has just under 8 mill - 61%W/R - 15K/D AND the total of 154 raids, the account is really new if you take into the total hours and raids. any more info you need which I don't think you do due to wiping etc just let me know! middle man will be used also! if you're not going to buy, please don't post on this thread unless you're staff, boost your post count elsewhere
  13. looking to sell my account, open to offers and will happily go first with the sale of my account. all 2FACTOR and security info will be disabled and info will be sent to you. open to offers!
  14. Would be down for this and would buy straight away :D
  15. Yep, that would be reasonable if the wipe wasn't around the corner. 1 post as well. be interesting see if he would use a middle man and would lower the price a little.
  16. Yeah I'd be down to buy it on fresh wipe, I thought you could keep it. but I don't wanna keep flooding this dudes selling post with our posts. but if anyone wants to sell me gamma on new wipe let me know!
  17. RIP, I guess it makes sense for the people what paid extra for the better version. that sucks though, kind of want it. might wait till wipe is done, but I guess it will be more money on fresh wipe?
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