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Everything posted by ImperiumXVII

  1. Who told you that Apex is close to being off the table? And EfT bans for no recoil scripts and we still have working cheats.
  2. Does what it says on the tin although for somebody that can only play maybe 4 hours every 2 or 3 days, you barely get to use it. When it's online, it works great: The ESP is great and skeletons can be seen clearly through the wall with customisable colours, so you can change the colour scheme to differentiate between visible/invisible Scavs, BEARs, and USECs, and even friends (there's a friend list in the aimbot section). Wallhack doesn't seem to work (sometimes half or even all of the person is missing) but skeletons work fine. No visor is a godsend - the ESP has issues with scopes and visors and offsets all the skeletons to the side. 'No visor' lets you use a visor without the visor overlay, so your ESP works as usual (and there's no dirty visor overlay). The radar is unnecessary and takes up a large portion of your screen for not a lot of information. Loot filter is fantastic. Filter items out on the map so you only see what you want to see (e.g. bitcoin, lab keys, golden chains, weapons etc). You can use this to find out if a key has spawned as well (no need to run to resort on Shoreline to see if the key has spawned - just check the loot filter. Saves a lot of time). Loot ESP can be customised as well so you can see loot from 1000m away or 10m away. This slider is literally life or death when there's so many things on your screen because you can see loot from 1000m away. The only thing bringing this cheat down is its downtime - yes, I get that with every little technical update you need to check the game to see if anything has changed (memory addresses, anti-cheat detection, etc) but that's not the issue. The issue isn't the fact that it's down to update, the issue is the fact that you're left in the dark as to why: The status of the cheat switches between 'Online/Undetected' and 'Disabled/Updating' and that's all the info you get. It would go a long way to perhaps change it to say 'Disabled due to anti-cheat update' or 'Updating to latest game version' or 'Updating to add new feature' or 'Updating to fix crashes' - as of writing this review the cheat has been 'Disabled/Updating' for over 24 hours now (there was apparently 2-3 hours today when it was online, but like I said I have limited play time). This is fine, except nobody has any idea why it's disabled and asking in the shoutbox will get you a lot of angry replies saying "don't ask for ETA or ban!!" All I'm saying is maybe a post, or a line of text that says "disabled due to stability fixes" or "offline due to game update" would go a long way. 8/10
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