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Everything posted by Vance2692

  1. I hope thats all it is. Idk if im ready to spend another $1000 just so i can play tarky again
  2. Hello everyone, I haven't been around in a while since getting HWID banned on tarky a few months ago. I did some research back then on how I could gain access back to tarky again but didn't find any forsure info on which parts i need to change to remove my HWID banned parts. Im hoping that maybe someone has some legit guidance on which parts I need to replace that are mostly likely HWID by BE? With the new cards coming out, I could dump my 2080ti for a new series card if that is something they HWID. But I don't know what other parts I would need to change beside my drives to cleanse my PC of HWID banned parts? Also, is there actually any HWID spoofers available that work? Please dont name them, unless they are chods ? but if you know that there is one out there please give me a wink so I can do some more searching
  3. He asked where to buy the game. You working hard for that mod huh?
  4. Vance2692


    This is forbidden buddy
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