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Everything posted by Sauce

  1. To be honest with you I would rather use a safe site with coders that look out for their customers where most cheating sites do not care about their customers and are very unfriendly towards their customers. Chod and his team do everything they can to avoid us getting bans. Should of done a bit more reading before purchasing the cheat if you are upset about it. I would rather and I am sure I can speak for most people here, to use these cheats and support these guys so they can create a safer way for us to use more options, not complaining about how he runs his cheat site. Also as a business major, Chod someone who is selling a product for games risking a ban to his customers whom I may add is making sure his customers are as safe as they can be creates trust between him and his customers. Trusting a seller creates a happy customer and happy customer goes around telling his or her friends about how great this product is and how great the staff is, resulting in more customers. therefore no money lost and, if he loses people who complain about not being able to use EVERY single cheat isn't a loss due to there is less people complaining and more people happy to the fact of not getting banned. If you are unhappy go use sites where their cheats damage your computer software and or get detected and do not compensate you for days lost during updates not complaining about why hes trying to keep everyone in this community safe and taking away certain options for cheats that are potentially detected after an update.
  2. Here to say I love this site and this community ran into some pretty nasty people and communities on certain sites. Thanks for being so awesome and helpful everyone!
  3. I love this site!

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