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Everything posted by maikel123

  1. Maybe Hardware banned?
  2. Would be great to have
  3. Game: War Thunder Engine: Dagor Engine 5; EAC Why: Good game, would be amazing with ESP only, And it is a free to play, risks are lower.
  4. Might have something to do with CFTools they show linked accounts to your IP-Adres (could be wrong but that's what i think)
  5. Hello, I would really like to see that you guys bring out Dayz Standalone cheese since its pretty popular and it could bring you alot of costumers (i think) i've been looking around and i can't really find a ''legit'' Dayz standalone cheese out there. and i only really trust Chod's to be honest
  6. 1. Warthunder 2. Dagor Engine 6.0. 3. It would be so epicto have this cheese, i would get it right away.
  7. 1. Name of the Game: Battlefront 2 2. Name of the Engine: Frostbite 3 3. Why you want to have a cheat for it:its a awesome game and i would like to order some cheese for it from you guys,because i dont trust any other company out there
  8. where? because a cold war cheese would be amazing
  9. Ever thinking of bringing out a cheese for this game?
  10. will there be a Rainbow Six cheese?, ive been looking for one but i only trust Chod's
  11. do you know a website that is trustworthy of selling valorant cheat?
  12. Will there be a valorant cheat anytime soon? or in the future?
  13. excited if it works for R6 and PUBG, mean games i play atm
  14. ahh nice so if i buy Hybris in a couple weeks/months it might be supporting PUBG? (hopefully)
  15. any plans on bringing out a PUBG Cheat or?, i'm looking for one atm
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