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About InjunWhoCould

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InjunWhoCould's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Squad makes you utilize team work in order to win. But what happens when you have vision over the whole map and are in a mobile vehicle with awesome firepower? You become a one man match fixer. Tanks, BMPs, LAVs, Bradley's, Missile Vics, and any other armored device makes you a wrecking ball in this game. It is hilarious to watch the enemy team scramble and super fun to get 50-70 kills in a game. Great work, I'm sure it will keep improving!
  2. Hunt Showdown EAC ESP would great in this game, even something as simple as player only ESP but Boss and NPC ESP would be fantastic.
  3. I am really pumped to get back out there and start cheesing again, in EFT and DayZ so seeing this after days of checking for any update has lifted my spirits.
  4. I just got an SL2 4500 77. How are they in the field, anything to look out for? Also, I have a Spire 3 but was looking at a Dye Rotor as a backup, whats your opinion on that?
  5. That's sweet dude, what team did you play for?
  6. Hey guys, just wanted to see if any cheesers also played paintball, comment where you play and your gear
  7. Hi, was wondering if Rust was still being developed as a VIP cheat.
  8. New to the community, here for EFT cheese. Any advice?
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