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Everything posted by Emorrow

  1. It's really not a matter of not understanding how long it takes for it to happen and more of a "we paid for a service that is no longer working and would like some updates". We all understand its hard work, and I'm sure nobody here cares if it takes 3, 5 or even 6 months as long as we had some transparency from them. They've got a lot of our money, and we have absolutely no idea whats going on with it.
  2. The problem I see with this is that hes putting so much attention into EFT that the other hacks are all on the back burner. Let's be real, its battle eye and a relatively public cheat, we'll get a week or two out of it and a ban wave will come and the decision will be made to move on. All while the other cheats sat here idle, not usable and will be all for nothing. Quote me on this, save it or do whatever but I'd put money on it.
  3. how long does it take to get hwid reset typically? 

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