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Everything posted by mazurko7

  1. I play apex from time to time but I don't cheese regularly. For me personally, games are not that important so I don't think I would pay $50+ for an exploit, Id just stop playing the game. Not to say that what Chod and friends are doing isn't worth every dime I have, but to me cheese is a cherry on top of an already good sundae. So with that said, It would be absolutely perfect for me if there was an option for a week long sub for like $15 so I could use that to gear up and go back to legit. Id do a cheese week every month and that way the game experience would not be too broken and I could afford the AMAZING Chod experience. Win Win.
  2. Read the posts above... Price is set as a place holder.. not final.
  3. I agree man, doing a scav raid and trying to figure out who not to shoot is a pain in the ass. Also stealth should be a factor and scavs seem omnipotent.... Like if I kill a scav that is alone and in the dark, the other scavs feel the pain of their fallen brother and somehow know exactly who did it.... Just let me be a dirt bag, kill a scav and blame the USECS.
  4. That actually makes sense! I have had a few instances where gear from previous raids ends up in current, so i must have shown up to the scav as as scav due to previous raid.... Man how i wish demographics of the avatar played in to how its played.
  5. This is an odd one and I wanted to see what y'all thought or experienced. I am a native Russian speaking person and have been excited about Tarkov since it was announced. I have been "playing" (more like struggling to survive) for about a year now and in .12 wipe i decided to play as a BEAR... last night I did a factory run and a scav yelled out in Russian (hey countryman, we don't want to shoot you). I always played as a USMC so that was never a line I heard... So i walked out in to the scav's line of site and.... HE DIDN'T FIRE OR ENGAGE. I had a little bit of loot so I did not test my luck. I looted a body RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM and then dipped out.. I have not tested this theory since last night but wanted to see if this was just my experience. P.S. Please don't try this with any good loot, like I said this only happened to me once. Also some of the shit the scavs say is hilarious and their names are mostly dirty jokes.
  6. I personally can't afford a higher price for a cheat largely because my work and life schedule is sporadic, so I get maybe a week to 10 days of actual use out of a full month subscription. This is also why i opt to use cheese, not enough time to learn maps, do multiple hatchet runs in ETF and so on. For me personally, It would be absolutely perfect to have a shorter term sub.
  7. You might be right. I'll try to find the post and link it here. This isn't exactly what is was referring to but it's close. I'll keep looking for the exact post.
  8. Can't remember which thread, but it was mentioned that it will cost around the same as APEX which is currently at $39.99.
  9. Anyone else checking the status tab every hour??? or am I crazy? Awesome work! can't wait to try it.
  10. Some things are worth the wait, and in my humble opinion this is the only cheese that is worth paying for. Also this is THE ONLY provider that will actually give a shit if you get banned and take measures to prevent that.... so if it takes a little bit of time for me to have my fun and BE SAFE, Id shut my trap and wait very patiently (hard as that might be)
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