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  1. i know im not supposed to mention other cheats/cheat providers but sadly chod cheats are falling behind. why is it that chods EFT cheat has basically been down for a year it seems like, yet there are so many other cheat providers that have EFT cheats. I remember that once battle state games added battle eye the EFT cheat went down and has stayed down for the most part. i used another cheat and no ban everything is fine (battle eye sucks) so im not sure what is taking so long for chod to get EFT back up and running. Chod had the best EFT cheat hands down and it was for an amazing price. $20ish for a month of cheats was the best thing ever, but now all the cheats cost $20 a day. Total bullshit. Anyways make chodcheats great again!
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