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About KimChii

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  1. Yo I'm excited for whats to come. Chod and the admin have been doing their best and we cant ask for a better team! Keep up the good work.
  2. KimChii


    Disregard the post i saw someone posted it and Faceless mentioned it will be awhile. Thanks!
  3. Sup ladies and gents!, been using Chod since I think Feb of 2018. Mainly used it for EFT due to being new to the PC gaming. Was a Xbox Player. Took a break from EFT after getting hit with the ban hammer but its the price we pay. Overall have been getting excellent support from the team when ever I had an issue.I am usually on Dayz, but alos play other games like PUBG, EFT, Total War and looking to branch out to other games. If you need another player on your team in EFT hit me up. Or squad up in Dayz i am down to join any server.
  4. KimChii


    When will we get a chance to get these beautiful USB again.... i keep missing my chance LMAO!
  5. Been waiting for the usb to come back in shop!!!! Count me in
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