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Everything posted by Bored_AF_M9

  1. Honestly a great product. Thank you so much for everything <3. For sure recommend and will be using in the future
  2. I remember seeing someone post about a follow bot a while ago. Does anyone have a follower bot that works?
  3. Thanks for submitting a review!. Im sure they appreciate it. And glad you are enjoying!
  4. Nice!. The delay from throw and just watching them stand there makes it even better!
  5. Hello Everyone! My Name is Bored_AF_M9 I am new to the community (Less than 2 months) although i have only been active in the last 3 weeks. I found this community when i realized that a lot of people in tarkov were cheating and that i needed to join them!. This lead to me joining an awesome community who welcomed be with open arms. I really look forward to being apart of this community and one day hope for access to that private rust cheat Thank you everyone Bored_AF_M9
  6. Welcome to the community (Although i am new aswell) Hope you enjoy your stay! (PS, "Gameing" is bothering me xD)
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