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Everything posted by fsxnerd

  1. Game-Insurgency Sandstorm Engine-Unreal Anticheat-EAC Insurgency sandstorm is another competitive game that other people are selling cheats for and it has so few cheats out for it that it could be a good selling point for Chods as the player count is pretty high. Thanks guys!
  2. You are really wanting to get banned aren't you? If you cant destroy an entire map with aimbot and esp, then perhaps you just need to...git gud... ?
  3. But okay quality cheese and chods cheese are two totally different cheeses. You can't compare apples to oranges, its just not right.
  4. ?Suddenly your name is no longer blue after I said something about you having access....weird.
  5. Yea, he is a donater and therefore is getting early access to it. I never said he was part of the team. I just said that some of the donaters already have access and have been killing streamers with it.
  6. Oh its definitely internal. @BillNyeTheNaziSpy has been going around killing streamers with one-shot pistol shots to the head everywhere.
  7. It would be dope to finally get one of these...
  8. Name: Brandon Smith Location: Mississippi, US What you do(work/school..): Cybersecurity analyst/Penetration tester Age: 22 Languages: English/mild Spanish Online for x hours a day: 15+ hours Experience with our products: EFT cheat for several months, active in shout box and mild activity on forum posts Relevant experience: Previous moderator/tech mod for AimJunkies. Why you think you would be good for this position: Previous experience/want the forum to grow + general love for the cheat community Anything else: Very knowledgeable in tech field, can help handle issues very well. Thank you
  9. And when the insider meets the criteria and gets access...? Then what? Its not going to work.
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