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About Mav8686

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  1. Will some users on here just chill the feck out and stop spouting the cheat is dead. If there is any news we will be updated in the monthly news Like feary said a update to us is a update to BSG and BE and a big target at chods and the rest of us when the cheesing starts, as I have no doubt there are BSG and BE snakes in this community
  2. Mav8686

    Tick Tock

    patience is a virtue
  3. As a kid it was Freddy Krueger and pennywise that scared the crap out of me But now I'm a lot older I find the latest horror films funny For example the most recent Halloween film I just laughed out loud all the way through
  4. Mav8686

    EFT hwid

    The spoofer only comes with the client I think. I could be wrong May have to wait until the eft cheese is active But then I'm not sure if you can still use the spoofer if the cheese is diabled
  5. Would be a great Christmas gift Or a new year surprise
  6. GET SOME Great idea faceless I wouldn't mind the dogs bollocks the amaze balls eff cheat
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