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Everything posted by buck

  1. I'm not sure but when I got banned from their blacksmith launcher I just made an steam acc and starting playing the f2p version without any problems so far, I've been playing legit for 3 days and still no ban. I didn't change anything about my HW and IP, I'm still going to wait a few more days before upgrading. It'll update you if something changes.
  2. So hyped, can´t wait to see how the final product looks. Keep up the goord work guys
  3. I have 2 (well 3 but 1 is for me )Rockstar accounts with Red Dead Redemption 2 Pre ordered (Special edition) and the 2 free games (wich i don´t remember but i can check if needed). I want to sell them since the game launchs tomorrow on pc and the preload is already avaliable. If someone is interested please PM me or comment here Price is negotiable.
  4. Hi there, i'm selling Spotify accounts with 2 months of premium for 4€. 1 acc - 4€ 3 acc - 10€ 5 acc - 15€ . . . 50 acc - 50€ Pm me if interested or ask here for more info
  5. Special package means christmas present? i will be interested if so
  6. i´m interested but it seems too good to be real is there any chance of the keys get disabled?
  7. Does the is have the christmas present? (the icase and key-bar)
  8. still selling it? if so does it have christmas present?
  9. If you don't mind waiting i will have some accs in a few days
  10. i have an standar acc lvl 41 full of stuff and traders maxed, PM me to see if we can make a deal
  11. i´m actually selling some keys PM if you still interested
  12. it´s rly noob friendly imo, tons of tutorials and simplified mechanics of previous games (almost all recipes unlocked, predefined menus to eat, etc). As @xpi said maybe it´s lacking something, and that´s the overall difficulty but i´m having fun playing it, most of the time solo cause online rly sucks but whatever. If you want to play it with friends i recommend you wait at least 1 month or 2 so they fix the nectwork/servers and optimize it a little, but it´s good to play solo. Hpoefully you don´t get constant crashes like some ppl.
  13. luckyly i´m not having crashes, at least for now, but the game is poorly optimized and the network sucks.
  14. yeah, i preordered it and it wasn´t a good idea tbh, if you play solo it´s fine but if u wanna play with friends it´s horrible, errors with network alomst every time i try to play with my friends. controls aren´t good too, even with gamepad ?
  15. So, the day is coming and i´m really hyped. I´m a big fan of the saga and want to know if there are some hunters betwen us I know that console guys have been playing for moths but i tried to avoid any spoiler so pls let´s keep it that way.
  16. 1K eur = 150k rubles aprox, so much cheaper buy rubles and make in-game change
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