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Everything posted by TheWiseWombat

  1. Just gotta wait. Don't know why no one is being patient. Do you want cheese that makes you lose your account and get a hwid ban or do you want something that you can use without worrying about having to get a whole new rig?? Just wait or give up because asking and all wont help them get done or release any faster!
  2. I'll just wait because I loved cheese when I first got a hold of it and I have the highest hopes for it when it comes out again. Even the apex one was amazing but I can't wait for the tarkov one! Chod hasn't done me wrong yet! Gonna be well worth the wait if people don't abuse the hell out of it for sure.
  3. There will always be a way because I keep finding people cheating in EFT even now. Had a guy teleport onto me in shoreline the other day lol
  4. I wanna get a discord invite. I wanna become trusted as soon as possible as well to get the rust cheat. I have almost 2.5k hours in the game but wanna spice it up a lil haha
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