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About biggestdork

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  1. Hi guys, keeping this one fast and to what I personally saw the cheat and staff do- it is important to remember with any cheese you run the risk of being banned; only games with absolutely no anti-cheat could feature a completely safe product. That said, Chod's gave me a terrific month before .9 hit and I eagerly await the return. Before purchasing Chod's, I had played EFT a few months off and on and it had lost its shine. Chod's product is the best on the market, with more features than I would ever want to use and extensive cheese, visual, and keybinding customizations. My playstyle often involved ESPing to find where players were generally located, and using binds to toggle these features to 'go legit', but features also include speed/noclip, auto avoiding shots, aim assist, night vision toggling, extract locations, door unlocker and more. The few days the cheese was down, my gamesense felt improved such as guessing where players liked to be better as well as where to loot first. The loot ESP is very handy and will help you complete your quests faster as well as plan your loot runs in the future. It runs independent of the player ESP, and has a custom filter depending on items existing in the raid. Or, if you go broke, you can easily resupply. So, I can highly recommend Chod's product. Even though about a week ago we suffered a ban wave, until that point Chod's detection status system and forums gave me all the information I needed to know if my chances of being banned were higher and was virtually undetected if used somewhat reservedly. You can try to escape yourself... or you can secure your exit with Chod!
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