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Product Reviews posted by TheReaping


    From £29.99/30 days incl. VAT

    Esp is clean as well as the UI but that is the norm and to be expected. The aimbot is very inaccurate because of the weapon sway when moving, no recoil helps but it almost isn't noticeable. The speed hack is frustrating because you can't even have it at half max speed without rubber banding back and if you use it for what feels like more than 30 seconds the server teleports you all the way back to when you first activated it. Considering the price Is over DOUBLE from when the cheat first came out with no anticheat (10 GBP to 25 now) I cannot recommend it considering that huge increase in price. Maybe when it is more flushed out and has better improved features but until then you should definitely wait.     

    Hunt: Showdown

    From £5.99/day incl. VAT

    Desperately needs more features, esp is very basic and aimbot has been promised for months with nothing to show for. Also it was recently detected which shows the lack of updates and the work it needs. Looking forward to the more effort focused updates though, I would wait until this cheat is way more developed before buying. happy hunting everyone. 


    From £5.50/day incl. VAT

    Still a very good cheat, some things get disabled now and again which is unfortunate but something seems to get added every month or so that makes me think eventually it will be the perfect cheat with all the right features so that is a comfort. Been banned more than once while using this. It's never instant and only ever manual bans that have built up over months and months since I've hardly ever rage hacked in my years of playing this game and legit hack 99% of the time so take that into account and get this game for as cheap as possible if you can since you have an unlock feature on the cheese now so that saves money. Although even though you save money that way I can't not give this a max of 3 stars, 5.50 pounds a DAY is insane. There was a time where is was 30 a month and since the change to daily pay that only goes up and up over time I can't recommend it anymore so if you have money you can easily spend away since this is an amazing cheat and you'd be hard pressed to find better. 

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