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  1. Beautiful thank you for the review it seems to be improving fast
  2. Needs a lot of work then. Thank you for the review I might get this if it gets a lot better than it's current state.
  3. Mass attack meaning it will spam M1 for an instant down as well as our killer abilities that have projectiles or....?
  4. Selling EFT standard game keys $26 usd, RU/CIS region. PM me if you want to buy one and I will send you my paypal. Middle man is not required. Discord: JadsterNZ1#6402
  5. I've applied, some dead by daylight would help me out.
  6. I can agree with this. As far as I know it isn't a multi platform ban.
  7. That's probably because the spots were leaked and bsg always patches them after a week lol
  8. I don't think people are selling rn. I haven't had any offers either.
  9. If you're detected by BE is it still an email from battlestate or...?
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