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Posts posted by Squishy_Kitten

  1. As someone very famous on the old version of the cheat was saying all the time : "I hope they fixed the god damn aimbot this time"




    Also, I can't wait to go out, raging at each and every player I encounter. Gonna be a fun one blasting heads off some shoulders.

  2. 53 minutes ago, CarelessZed said:

    Hello. Once your new build comes out I would like to buy your stuff for Tarkov, but before that I wanted to ask if it is going to be VIP only ? I read somewhere it was not going to be, which I of course prefer, as I just registered today and only ever lurked before (been waiting for the update). 

    I can't say for sure as I am no staff.


    But I am 99% positive, you'll have no trouble getting the good stuff for EFT as soon as it's ready ;)

  3. 1 hour ago, rabadon2013 said:

    In germany we used to call then negerkuss "nigger kiss", i mean.. what the fuck? Who came up with this name. ?

    Yea, like "mhmm let's do some new treat and calling it with a racist name is gonna make it sell well". ?

  4. On 10/20/2018 at 8:46 PM, Nap of the Earth said:

    Calling this product candy is an abomination.



    Oh yeah these exist all around the netherlands in various shape and form, they call them "drop". Hated them for so long, but now I don't mind eating a couple every full moon.

    • Like 1
  5. I like these.

    Fun fact, they are called n**ger heads in french. Well, now they want us to call them "choco heads", but it's engrained and there is definitely no bad association made.


  6. On 9/8/2018 at 9:00 PM, imadirtyhacker said:

    Well i can only play weekends so im not lucky atall, i won't be able to use it till next weekend so buying something expecting to use it all weekend and for it to go down again is disappointing. Honestly you guys need a coder that will work over the weekends to keep customers happy cause i am far from happy right now and im sure alot of others feel the same way. Cheat was good when it worked as i was expecting but to be told nobodys works over the weekend and to wait till monday or later till i can use it is pretty shit tbh.

    If only it was that simple, right?

    If you can't wrap your head around the apparent reasons why this is happening, to be brief, you're not cut out to take advantage of what's provided here.


    But on another note, you're actually really lucky, because no one will stop you from playing the game. And there's lots to do even without the cheat, if you can't enjoy the game without, then that's on you to deal with. Because nothing's guaranteed here, it's not like Chod's and BSG are going hand in hand trying to cooperate about our little business.


    Let's come back to my first point though, this is a game of cat and mouse. You should be happy that the mouse tries to keep you safe, because on some other places, you might be burning accounts pretty fast. The good thing is, from my experience so far, we get some pretty slick benefits of both getting a quality advantage coming from the cheat and also being able to enjoy it in a lasting fashion as the objective is to avoid going through the hassle to deal with frequent game bans.


    To use a simple analogy, if you would enjoy speeding on the road, what would you do if you saw a police car ahead? Slow down seems the obvious reason. I can only see how alike what is happening right now is : there's a threat to our fun? Let's avoid it to keep having fun later on.


    There's plenty of stuff to enjoy in life, I'd suggest to allocate some time to some other hobbies when the cheat is down. Why wouldn't you anyway? The down time is given back, so use the free time for something else you like doing instead.

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  7. I got a couple spare marked keys in EFT.


    I'm looking for a factory key for my marked keys, if anyone is willing to take me on for such a trade.


    Otherwise, would happily trade them for any kind of nice valuables.


    Just shoot a message here or contact me on discord or whatever.



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