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Everything posted by OperationTurtle356

  1. +rep, He gladly took a steam card for a renewal on my sub Fast and easy to work with
  2. Hey, I really want one and I can attempt to pay in a steam card or paypal. Im asking for it for €20 We wil lbe using a middleman Reply if you can hook me up. - (Steam card is in euros btw)
  3. What im saying is so once a month there is 3 days to buy the cheat without a code and then if you want to get invited for the rest of the month you need a code from a customer
  4. Ok, my opinion. Once a month they should have a thing where you buy the cheat, But if you have a friend you can give him a code to buy it at anytime. So this would limit everyone coming it at once and buying it to try use it on there team also stick with your thing but the 5 posts is alot as I dunno what to post so maybe make it 3 and also if your steam was givin along with some special way to limit people straight joining
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