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1010110 last won the day on November 25 2018

1010110 had the most liked content!

About 1010110

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  1. I'd honestly say The Division 2. I mean Battlefield 5 would be cool as well, but with fairfight (which I assume it will have), it takes too much to really normalize stats to avoid a ban. The Division was a pretty popular game, and hopefully they take into account what they fucked up about the first one to make #2 better. So I have high hopes for The Division 2.
  2. Hai guis!! Long time cheater, new to cheating on Tarkov. I'm used to low slot invite only cheats...so I was a bit hesitant to buy from a website. But I've been looking for awhile now, and heard alot of good things about Chods. So hopefully I'll be sticking around for awhile!!
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