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Everything posted by chuffter

  1. Name: Chuffter/Paul Location: North West England What you do(work/school..): Work for a communications Company Age:33 Languages: English and Scottish (if it classed as a different langauge) Online for x hours a day: 3+ Experience with our products: I use both CSGO and EFT cheats Relevant experience: I am an Admin for a server in CSGO and Admin on their forums Why you think you would be good for this position: I enjoy gaming but also helping people with any questions that they have. Anything else: Thanks for looking at my application, good luck to all and get cheesing!
  2. I honestly don't know, came to the site and made the name
  3. @Jamanta Hey thanks for the welcome. I can tell there is a good atmosphere here. Always making myself at home
  4. Sooooooooooooo I may as well intro myself, I am chuffter, first time cheeser. Decided that why the fuck not. Thanks
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