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Noobie Noob

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Everything posted by Noobie Noob

  1. Faceless is the best ^) I won one not long time ago so i skip again GL everyone!
  2. Thanks Faceless for doing this again and again and again (i'm not in for any, just to thank you)
  3. omg... ppl were asked to clean cookies FOR BSG forum and only those who was banned! what made u think it is cos BSG will (or can) scan your browser for Chod links...
  4. Hey Abnormal! U already have one from Faceless! give other ppl chance EfT for sure☠️
  5. working on my first review (planning to make one at the end of every month using Chod's cheat, so this is my first month ending soon and first review to make) giveaways like this (and t-shirts!!! i want one too!!!) deserve to be mentioned oh yeah - if i win there will be at least 4 reviews EfT (does everyone want EfT???)
  6. Virtual Dub (easy video edit), Adobe Premiere Pro (all-in-one for pro), Windows Movie Maker (stay away), Open Shot (did not try it yet, my choice - Adobe)
  7. LOL while waiting on my first EfT approved (why the hell it takes so long?) i can win it
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