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Posts posted by Jakester

  1. 9 hours ago, Noah33 said:

    But you won't get any of the new technology the RTX is bringing - raytracing and probably future tech.

    yeah, but who needs it. look how some people use their 1080ti... med/high settings, nothing ultra, playing 1440 to get max FPS. that's not fun for me. i want my games to look good and have good FPS. i'm not going for max everything. but my 1080ti get's it's max/ultra graphics settings where ever possible.


    and no, no 2080 for me, don't have the money right now.

  2. On 9/11/2018 at 5:14 AM, IiBurnzys said:

    Is there going to be a “trial” for the EFT cheat? I really want to try it before I buy it or something like that. Thanks!

    with this price there is no need for a trial. just make sure to read the faq/guids/requirements, watch some current videos and you are good. btw. i still think this cheese is to cheap. :)

  3. 17 minutes ago, blackworm84 said:

    i know but these games too "slow" for me and boring, same as dayZ . not my fav games :)

    Ok, if DayZ isn’t for you then SCUM won’t cut it.

  4. 4 minutes ago, blackworm84 said:

    i try it. totally waste 20$ for garbage :( empty maps , same houses same loots everywhere , craft bugs etc .. last time i just walking around almost one hour and i found 2 zombies and 7weapons nothing much.. the events are useless atm.. but ye early acces.. looks like pre alpha :/ 


    oh boy, this is an early access game and a cheap one at that. what did you expect? it has already more content as DayZ, looks better and the future looks way better... 

  5. you can’t sell games in numbers if you don’t find a way to also get ‘casuals‘ in. and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you have enough content that keeps the ‘hardcore‘ players satisfied.

  6. yeah, we have to think about if for spectators obvious features make sense anymore. if they are in they will get used. so the question is should we get rid of e.g. speedhacking, teleporting, unlock without key... in last consequence this could mean we only are left with ESP and some kind of legit Aimbot (which would be fine with me)

  7. i'm not applying (even while i think i may be quailified and could bring some knowledge to the game - the biggest problem for me is not enough time) and wish all that do good luck but most of all for the chosen one: fun. much of it. you will need it. :)

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  8. 2 hours ago, Kunai said:

    how about you focus on some games which are released at the moment ? TD2 is not even announced yet.

    i has been announced ;) but no release date yet... (other than this fiscal year, which means until march 2019)

  9. 7 hours ago, Dr. Snif said:

    Also, you can bind a hotkey simply by right clicking the checkbox -> bind. There you can choose between toggling and on press. 

    just blew my mind. didn't know that was possible. good to know and will put it to the test on monday when the new update is released... 

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