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Everything posted by terabiteslayer

  1. Just wanted to say hey to everyone at chods, can't wait for eft to release like the rest of us! Can't wait to get back into the good old days of eft cheese, its good to know chod wont release just because everyone is begging. Anyways, good to see the community is still just a good as it used to be
  2. I used chods way back before interchange released, for 3 months I was never banned, took a break and came back still not banned. Trust Chod he knows what he is doing and I dont think he would release something that he does not think is ready yet. If he releases it before they have it fully finished there is a much higher chance of a ban wave, then were back to waiting again. Have some patience do some tasks while you wait so when they do release you're all ready to go.
  3. Entering myself in an attempt to save my cash. Good luck to everyone here!
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