Name: David
Location: France
What you do(work/school..): I'm actually in a advanced technician certificate (2nd Year) in Networking
Age: 21
Languages: French (mother language) English (very good), Spanish (basic level) and Russian (begin to learn)
Online for x hours a day: Almost all days, but in average I'm online for 8 to 13 hours
Experience with our products: I have bought EFT, CSGO, BF1, Sea of Thieves, and the USB Stick + i'm Supporter
Relevant experience: During my internship in companies i've learn to found, and resolve issues, mostly computer or network issues.
I had to explain to people who know pratically nothing in computing how it works and how to resolve their problems.
Why you think you would be good for this position: I think i'm good for this position because, I love to help people, on the forums
I try to help even if I know it's not my job to do it. I tell people when their threads aren't in the good category.
Or if they have a problem i'm trying to help them. Also i'm good because I know how a good moderator need to be and what he needs to do.
My past experiences gave me the opportunity to learn that, on servers with 30+ people and their dedicated forums, for example en SAMP, Gmod,
FiveM / GTMP, and Arma 3. I know when something isn't working people can be anxious and I know how to calm them and explain peacefully that will
be solve soon.
Anything else: I'm in the community for a long time (for me), and i've learn a lot on this forum and his community, I know how chod's
products work, not all of them but the most used.