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Everything posted by Derpomat

  1. GOOD. I'm Eager so see tha final product, it it will be afordable. in the meantime i will ENJOY cheat free Tarkov. it's ALOT of FUN ! cheers all
  2. Charging a crazy amout of €€ for cheese is absurd. we're no longer dealing with BSG only, but with BE. i think no amout of coding or BE-cheats will prevent bans.
  3. that app is a guideline . i used it (combined i5-8600k with GTX 1080) with a bottleneck less than 5%. i5-9600k is a good cpu (for a 350€ pricetag) , with very good overclockability, and will work ok with 1060. Might wanna consider Ryzen counterparts for better compatibily/bottleneck with your 1060. (if you're planning on playing strategy games i STRONGLY reccomend hyperthreaded cpus) PS. Atm i'm using i5-8600 (4,8GHZ OC) with a RTX 2070. in a few games like SCUM or Metro:Exodus i noticed my CPU had several moments when it was idling (worked at 35degrees while GPU was at 65degrees).
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