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About Mr1337

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Rising Star

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  1. Hi im wonder when EFT is going to be back , i also go a discord invite that ran out an wanting a new one , i miss you guys talking to you guys was funny , just ETA on EFT is all i need , i did buy a sub an it ran out before i could use it what was also a shame
  2. Having some problems with the tools atm , Thanks to Oxyde for helping me figour whats not working , and being calm after paying for the service ❤️[Closed till fixed] All you need to know is below Message me on here Or i'm in the chod's discord
  3. Doing free Signatures for now , get on chods discord and message me , cant pick what you want but ill just put one together ,there animated , or still these are all you can pick from CantThinkOfName >><< Xenirax >><<
  4. Welcome , enjoy Chods don't skip to ask questions where all here to help Mr9099
  5. Mr1337

    Brain Fuck

    awww Zen u make me sad
  6. Mr1337

    Brain Fuck

    Ayyyy well done
  7. Mr1337

    Brain Fuck

    Bob’s father has 4 children. Momo, Meme, and Mumu are three of them. Who’s the fourth? Answer : You should know
  8. I would really like to a invite to the discord , also where could i apply for the testing program as such , i wouldn't mind helping Chod out seeing that i have experience in cheating and knowing what could be fixed and changed to help the people over here , also little tip i'm a designer
  9. Mr1337

    Hi Guys

    Hi guys I’m RJor Mr9099 call me s u please thoight I’ll take time to let my self be known here , since I’m new Sites I use : Twitter ( @7Th_RJ ) games I play ( Rust , PUBG , Cod WW2 and Payday 2 ) - many more but who cares Love the idea of cheating I come from a cheating background of Xbox / PS3.. Coding cheats for Xbox such as off host menus for games like , (MW2 , Cod Ghosts , Bo3 , Cod Aw ) many more Love making cheats but sadly have no time for this anymore , so I like to buy and use them more then anything , it’s nice to a grate website offering grate prices for legit cheats , unlike some other sites that get you game banned with in the first hour , so here to a new start and a grate community <3
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