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Everything posted by DerpishNarwhal

  1. i looked on the first page of the comments and didnt see crap lmao. i am aware of what his comments look like, i just didnt want to go reading through a million pages.
  2. i read a bunch of the comments and didnt see anything about it. they must have all been at the bottom.
  3. damn, i read a bunch of the comments and didnt see anything about the price on eft, didnt know there were any and everyone gets pissy with me
  4. i havnt seen it, im sorry no need to get mad at me
  5. i have been looking around and i havnt seen shit about it lol, i just got the same message from someone else
  6. i was not aware, i havnt seen that said anywhere and ive been looking at forums for a while.
  7. maybe one day i will come back and try it for a month, but the new price is way too much for me. ive used the EFT cheese for a really long time and i know the quality of it. I only make 170 usd a month so im gonna have to say goodbye. hopefully it lowers, but i wont get my hopes up considering the quality
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