What you do(work/school..): Dispatcher for police service
Languages:Eng/French/Korean/Filipino(2 dialects)/Italian
Online for x hours a day: 15
Experience with our products: Detailed Experience with EFT
Relevant experience: Former moderator for arma 3 life rp/ arma 2 dayz/epoc
Why you think you would be good for this position: I would be good at this position because i would constantly be on to help any new or regular members with anything they have issues with, if i cant fix it i would let the admins know about the situation. I will also enforce rules when need be especially on the chat box. I would commit alot of time on the forums, and with the community making sure it is an enjoyable enviroment and every one is following the rules.
Anything else: Im usually always on, very friendly and willing to help people