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Everything posted by YaYeet2

  1. 1. Name of the Game : Arma 3 ( Exile compatibility as well as Altis life )2. Name of the Engine : Bohemia Interactive ( Battleye )3. Why you want to have a cheat for it : I can speak for many other members of this forum when saying that Arma 3 is a " Good " game when it's modded. For example * Exile, King of the hill, Wasteland, Epoch and finally Breaking point * Now add cheats that can ; Give you an advantage in combat, Give you money whenever you need it, Reveal base codes, Spawn vehicles, Nuke the entire server, Teleport players, Kick players out of vehicles + many other features. If possible you could include a Executor built into the normal internal menu that you can run your own scripts. As-well as scripts made by the community ( a new forum section, Just like csgo had for cfg's ) A normal menu opened by using *Insert* would include features like : Esp, Aimbot, Magic bullet, Explosive bullets, Unlimited ammo, Teleport, Virtual arsenal, Executor. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  2. Brings a tear to my eye, Never lost faith
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