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Everything posted by f.society

  1. f.society


    You need to be a customer (from any cheat u want), then you can ask a mod per message for an invite! ?
  2. f.society


    Hello @imagoman! Welcome to Chods's Cheese! Enjoy our community, be friendly and calm! :3 Escape from Tarkov is atm don't, but will be up soon a possible when Chod has fixed it. ♥
  3. Name:Lucas Lee / Teddy for my friends. Location:Munich, Germany What you do(work/school..):I'm a learned IT-Security Engineer and work for the German Military. Age: 22 Languages:Fluent: German, English, France, Irish. Fractional: Italian Online for x hours a day: 8-12 Experience with our products: Very much experience with the Tarkov Cheat. Relevant experience:Experiences as a mod on many Forums, many FB Groups and I'm a Owner and Leader of a working Multigaming Clan with 32 Members. Why you think you would be good for this position:I help the community, try to find a solution for every problem and are incorporated on the forum, it's rules and Chod's Cheats. Anything else: I can put a many time in here. I want to help and make this community better, bigger and more known. I think i can help the team out with a good knowledge. Thank you for the chance.
  4. Hey @Maksimus, welcome to Chod's Community! Don't feel bad for your english.
  5. f.society


    Hey, welcome to the community! Enjoy the Cheese. ?
  6. Hey Zach, welcome to Chods. Ohio is a cool state.
  7. Also a big welcome from me! Enjoy the community!
  8. Greets ya moma from us. And welcome to ChadsCheese Factory. HF, be kind and enjoy all the cheese!
  9. With the normal inspector you just can look at all the stats.
  10. Just checked it myself. It's the Profile Inspector.
  11. If the EfT Cheese is back online, i put all my settings Online for my followers. Just tell me how you like it. 

    - Leggit 100%


    - Leggit 50%


     - Leggit without mercy


     - Rage 


  12. WELCOME TO CHOD'S CHEESE. Hope you enjoy the Cheese, the Community and the Staff. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
  13. Welcome to Chods! Greetings ausm Schwarzwald!
  14. Oh and CoD: Black Ops 4. Something i would buy.
  15. I think in 'Fortnite some people would be interessted.
  16. I think BF5 is a safe thing. Miscreated would also be nice.
  17. If it is ANY offer, i would send you a sock and a pack of macaroni.
  18. Infestation would be nice! Is an really good game with potential. And there no cheese online who are really good. I think many would love it, me included!
  19. Welcome Chuffter. Try the Cheese, taste the Cheese. Tastes funny.. Like the tears of liberals. x)
  20. Welcome to the Cheese Factory! :3
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