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About getrekt5912

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  1. Name:Stephen Location:California What you do(work/school..):I am attending school and I am a generator technician. Age:28 Languages:English and some Spanish Online for x hours a day:17 Experience with our products:I have experience with EFT cheat Relevant experience:I have been forum moderator and tech mod for another site which consisted of helping customers with any technical issues on their computers that would keep them from being able to run programs Why you think you would be good for this position:I have a ton of exeperience in customer service and leadership. I love the Chods family and would be thrilled to be able to be a part of the support side Anything else:I work and go to school, but Im always online at any given time. I also have a military background and had a leadership position
  2. You're the best @faceless. EFT please buddy.
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