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Keenox last won the day on February 27 2019

Keenox had the most liked content!

About Keenox

  • Birthday 24/10/1992

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Keenox's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Since EFT was taken down, I lurk and stay silent. I'm patient, and you deserve it more than ever! Thank you for your insaaaaaaaaaaaane work and what you're doing for us cheesers. I trust you, and I would even trust you if was banned. I love you. Keep up the amazing work !
  2. Thanks for the update and the transparency. Looking forward to play again (too scared to play without!) with your help You guys rock!
  3. Thanks ! I just noticed you could only add 1 reaction per day... Why is that ? Anyway, Faceless you got my reaction for today lol
  4. Hello community! My name (here only) is Keenox, and I've been using Chad Cheese for EFT only for about a year (or something like that). I've been on and off EFT many times and for a long time because of the chaos that my life is (switching jobs, moving from one place to another, and many other). I guess this is no place to chit chat about my life details, but if we end up playing together and I feel like babbling during gunfights, well you'll know a bit more about me! But I usually don't. So, yeah. Despite this "chaos", life's pretty good. I recently wanted to go back on EFT, but having a messed up schedule like this makes it quite hard to git gud. So thanks Chod's for this gift of the gods. I obviously play "legit" when cheesing, as much as I can. No auto pointing gun and shooting with no recoil, only a good old ESP. This allows me to enjoy the game, and I can take a kill from time to time. Going back to Tarkov (and not escaping) lead me to use those tools again, and I naturally got back to Chod. I think this is enough as an introduction, but feel free to ask anything :). I'll try and answer as much as possible!
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