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Posts posted by Faceless

  1. 13 hours ago, Sellier said:

    Wie geht's Euch, Leute! Ich bin neu hier und ich bin kein Deutscher. Ich mag euch so sehr, ich bin gerade in euren Club eingetreten. Bitte, denke nicht, dass ich dich verfolgen will. Ich möchte nur Hallo sagen! und ich bin asiatisch. lol. Wenn ihr mich nicht ausnehmen könnt, ist es in Ordnung. Ich werde verstehen. Danke und bis bald!

    translation came out like this

    How are you guys! I'm new here and I'm not a German. I like you so much, I just joined your club. Please, do not think that I want to (stalking) persecute you. I just want to say hello! and I am Asian. lol. If you can not take me (as member) out, it's okay. I will understand. Thank you and see you soon!
    Yo ich werde dich drinlassen im Club aber das setzt dann auch vorraus, dass du in der Lage bist dich in deutsch zu unterhalten. Dafür ist der Club schließlich da.. :P
  2. 8 minutes ago, Classic Russian said:
    On 13.3.2018 at 9:09 PM, LewisUK said:

    Pretty new guy here.  I just got fed up with the dev's and Mods at EFT always saying they will catch 100% of hackers 100% of the time.  So, I decided to join you guys.  The funny thing is, the community here is better than the EFT community. 
    no, I am NOT the LewisUK I just thought it would be funny to use that name here.  I can change the name if wanted/needed.  No big deal.  
    I was waiting to make my purchase until a transaction went through.  It finally did.  So, when I get home from work tonight I hope to be joining your ranks and Changing the Game!

    who is the LewisUK guy ? is that someone we should know ? i do not understand ?
    The real LewisUK is head moderator of the eft subreddit and the eft forum
  3. @Dave87  solltest nur etwas aufpassen beim posten von deinem ingame namen,
    BSG nimmt zwar keine reports an aber wenn den post hier jemand falsches liest kannste trotzdem probleme kriegen :P  . Auch wenn das innerhalb des Clubs ist kann soweit ich weiß jeder die posts hier lesen. Am besten sowas nur per PM senden ;)
  4. 40 minutes ago, Willbo65 said:

    Also did you notice about a week ago, the game suddenly seemed to get much harder? I was doing okay even without cheating then it was like a switch flipped and I couldn't do anything. My survival per match was down to 2-3 minutes every time. Any ideas?

    I cant tell about that i stopped playing like 2 weeks ago and i'm still waiting for the wipe :P
    But jeah i usually dont use aimbot either because that ruins the fun for me. I'm fine with esp and sometimes norecoil etc (:
  5. Thanks for the review (:
    The NoClip function doesnt work properly if you want to go trough walls or doors because that got patched by BSG, so you should always try to have nothing between you and the destination.

  6. 14 minutes ago, mreanaa said:

    how do you start this cheat? I did all steps, it showed me "Please start the game now" but nothing happens in the game, Ins/Insert doesn't work Pause does nothing, tried all keys on keyboard, nothing works, I have all preqs from the preq page

    Dont forget to activate your numpad. Also check these guides below:
  7. 24 minutes ago, onlinemanni said:

    amazing cheat.
    3 weeks rage hacking and no ban!
    but one thing that would make it PERFECT would be a temporary keybind for aimbot and noclip

    You can bind almost every feature to a key if you do a rightclick on the checkbox. You can also unbind it via rightclick and safe the keybind as a config so you can just load the config next time you start the cheat.
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