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Dylaaann last won the day on December 8 2017

Dylaaann had the most liked content!

About Dylaaann

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  1. Welcome to the community, Routerrage. :D
  2. Dylaaann

    hello :)

    Welcome to the community Steve :D
  3. Just out of curiosity, i want to know, what are your favorite game(s)? Currently, mine are: PUBG, EFT, RB6, and ARMA 3.
  4. Looking forward to see you around here! Have a good time :)
  5. http://steamcommunity.com/id/100Thieves/
  6. Welcome to the community. I see you are trying to get verified, i recommend reading this. Best of luck! https://chods-cheats.com/faq/ (3rd Question)
  7. He clearly stated "found this on a other website" i don't see how he is taking any credit for it.
  8. I've heard you C++ is good for CS:GO, as it's "flexible". If that's the path you want to go for.
  9. Same goes for me, this is my first time joining the "cheating community". Wish you the best of luck tho. :)
  10. Congratulations bro, wish you the best of luck. :)
  11. Welcome to the community, i do wish you the best of luck here. :)
  12. Sounds Great, but are we allowed to change the intensity of the miner?
  13. Good afternoon everyone. Just recently joined this community, and i'd thought i would tell you guys a little bit about me. I've had a PC for a while, but after playing games "legit" for quite some time, it does get quite boring. Just recently, I've been watching A LOT of hacking videos, and they all looked quite fun. I think its officially time, i stop playing "legit" and move to the hacker scene. Anyways, i wish everyone here the best of luck. :)
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