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Everything posted by descriptionz

  1. thanks for the reviews and guides man. Nice too see people working with the community to make it better as a whole and share with us the reviews.
  2. Welcome to the community my man have a fun stay
  3. i had the same question about h1z1 also thank you for this forum to clear things up :)
  4. welcome my friend hope you enjoy the community we have :)
  5. I was curious how often the H1Z1 cheat gets detected. And if it's detected right now and that't the reason its unavailable?
  6. I dont play PUBG much but my top kill match is 14 with only a few wins lol. Congrats on the win though man
  7. how often does the h1z1 hack get detected?
  8. I've also been scammed before because I was so eager to get a cheat for a game I wanted. Definitely always go through VIP cheats because they know what they're doing and not hjanding someone a cheat or in your case being scammed from some random guy that looks legit
  9. I'm in the same boat man, I'm happy I finally came across a legit website that has a helpful community. Just give it time and keep working with the community and being activeand who knows maybe one day you'll get an invited only cheat
  10. Hi, I'm new to Chod's Cheats and was wondering if these cheats are setup on USB that you pull out after injecting the file before opening steam? Or you do you keep it on your computer while running the game? Any feedback and help is much appreciated, thank you.
  11. Battlefield 1 and H1Z1 forsure. I think PUBG is a quality game but it's just too slow paced for me!
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