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Everything posted by ezglggwp

  1. Nope, I havent. These used to be my MAIN new accounts to start a new acc, but since I got a new better acc, I dont need these, so I am selling these to get money and pimp up my new main acc. ^^ btw, 2st acc just got a update and I bought an operation hydra TOO for it, so now the price is obviously gonna stay 30$
  2. SO TODAY ( very intense autistic start of the thread and idk why are you even reading this. And u are still reading this. laff) I will sell both of my accs. So I made a idea how we both can get money and the product it self which is the acc. So basically you can buy 2 accounts for a one price. 1st acc > five year operation coin, 12 years old steam acc, includes cs 1.6,condition zero and it self CSGO too. http://steamcommunity.com/id/sellingonchods2 2st acc > hydra operation, 2,35$ in steam wallet, CSGO, Global Elite IG ss will be added tonight. http://steamcommunity.com/id/sellingonchods Both accounts are specially made with a CD key and a created email, so you will have the PoP and email it self. Imagine it as your acc completely. A little bit warning about the 2st acc > Currently I am getting it boosted by iPeaks vertigo boost to GE and today at 9pm the temporary cooldown will end and it will be boosted to GE, I will edit the thread until thats done with a ig ss of the 2st acc. So how this works? You are buying both accounts at once, you cant buy one of them, but both. 25-30euro for these accs ( thats a price for both of them, that means you pay me 25-30$ for 1st and 2st acc and you get them both) contact me pm
  3. I suggest keeping the price at least +25/30$$, since its a LE PRIME, not just LE.
  4. well, the price obviously wouldnt be more than 10$, since its just a regular acc who is played a little bit and some wins + unranked. so, its just basically a fresh account who you can buy on hrkgames for 5$
  5. Sold to @SeaWorldSucks . Please confirm and +rep me cunt xd
  6. I still dont believe u. You need at least +100reports to be banned and also, they cant prove that the acc is sold. In cheating community, +1million accounts are sold, none of them are actually banned by steam, cuz they dont care tbh. Please provide more screenshots about the account then, then I would maybe believe u
  7. yeah, steam will now go to the chods cheats and search for buy/sell thread and ban everyone who is selling it. just wow, lmfao
  8. And can you tell me why are you censoring everything out? Huh? Maybe its not even your acc and you are taking ss's from a browser for another random acc.
  9. Just did a game and griefed a little bit. ^_^
  10. I can use a middleman, I dont have problem. Currently not posting the itself steam link, to avoid reportbots. Giving it only if somoene wants to buy it. Uninjected, LE SS of the Steam profile it self IG ss 10$ for it, contact me PM on the forum p.s accepting only pp
  11. 8 mvps(40kills) is the max amount of elo you can get in a match lol no. Max is 16mvps and its 80kills. lmfao
  12. Highly recommended, im still getting boosted, cuz getting temporary cooldowns pros pretty cheap this iPeak is a nice guy, even lowered the price to 15$ for waiting pretty fast cons: Cheeseboost boosts multiple peaple at the time, so you cant fully get 80kills. Every person gets 8mvp and the other person gets too. Thats really new to me, but thats okay. I wouldnt call this a con, but w/e. so peaple can know what can they expect from this amazing service p.s iPeak is a fucking nigger, he raped me
  13. bump, also check outif you want dayz, h1z1, rust and more survival games, some nice games for cheap price + 20 steam lvl
  14. Game ban And VAC is on unturned and CSGO. rip cs go 2017 the account is still worth something . You can check the games, it has alot of them and good ones. > H1Z1 King Of The Hill, H1Z1 Just Survive, DayZ, Arma 2 ( operation armhead too), Arma 3,Rust, PayDay 2, GMOD, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Insurgency, Just Cause 2, BorderLands 2, Terraria ( lenny ), Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Rocket League, Left 4 Dead 2, All Half Life's 2 collection, some assasin creed shit and more . Level 20 on Steam Not selling lower than 20$ http://steamcommunity.com/id/ezglggwpdaun
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