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Everything posted by Derple

  1. If you are doing this for a reportbot, know 2 things: 1.) Banned accounts can't report, they have to be unbanned. 2.) Even if they weren't banned, report bots are patched afaik (my experience and others)
  2. Like I said in the last thread, reportbots don't work anymore in my experience. If he is raging (like high FOV aimbot / AntiAim), the new serverside AC implemented in February will take care of him.
  3. I honestly don't understand though. I've tried Radat's script, Askwrite's, and DrPepper's. It worked initially with 3 people being banned (1 of them Prime w/ 300 hours ) but after about 3 people, nobody got banned anymore. EDIT: I had a friend who had zoner and nobody ever got banned when he used it, but it also uses Radat's CSGO reportbot, just modified to support MatchID & a custom webpage. What script do you use?
  4. Just fyi, in my experience, reportbots are patched. My accounts for the bot can still commend, but reports always result in nothing, regardless of them borderline raging. That, or valve blacklisted my bots from reporting people, which I find very unlikely.
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