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Everything posted by botgodspeed

  1. how do i check if i was subbed when the cheat went down? i checked an i renewed my sub august 4th but dont remember when it went down.
  2. true, its funny cuz i would basically kill everything on the map and still not get banned. i am definitely gonna have to play a little different now tho
  3. i basically raged for 4 months, had like a 16 k/d i think, longest escape streak was 19. on an eod account and never got banned
  4. thats not true, player scavs can join anytime on any map(except factory i believe). ive spawned as a player scav on interchange at 58:52 beforee, which is a minute into the raid. other maps are about the same for me.
  5. "bro" also said like 2 days ago that it wont be this week, he also said they arent good at giving etas lmao
  6. is there a way to check how much time was lost? because i cant remember 100% but i know i missed a good chunk
  7. it really isnt that crazy, an update from them could be as simple as hey itll be out shortly after the next patch, or hey itll be another week or two. something like that wouldnt require much time from them lol
  8. i agree with you. especially with the tarkov update and wipe coming out soon it would be cool to know if itll be ready for this upcoming patch or if itll be a while longer. taking this long gives me hope that when they release it, it will be on another level though.
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