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Everything posted by gal1991

  1. "I'll find a way to block it I go - na na" ♫♪♫
  2. you're just reselling what cireg sold for a higher price
  3. We can use a middleman to hold the key
  4. http://puu.sh/9abmz/9061c4ef83.jpg
  5. Hey I have 1 gift of that game , will sell it for 4.5$
  6. I have 1 account with 160 wins something around that , not overwatched/vacced/untrusted , 6 years old but no coin. The account also have : CS 1.6 , CS:S
  7. Hi I want to sell my account , it is vac clean , 9 years old with the 5 year veteran coin , with cs1.6 and CSGO CSGO Rank : DMG Price 13$
  8. Sold to ^ /Can close thread.
  9. Hi , I am selling a CSGO gift for 8$ (You pay the fees , as I can not accept "gifts" on paypal") PM me for my skype , I will not go first if I do not trust you , I have no problem using a middleman.
  10. Pm me price and your skype (If you have).
  11. I agree with you , Chod shouldn't give those ETA's , but just give him some time i'm sure he's working on it.
  12. I don't know if I even need to vouch for him , but yeah +1 went quick and ofcourse legit
  13. Nvm , dont add me on skype im not interested.
  14. Hello and welcome!
  15. Hi I am looking for a csgo gift / account with csgo. Pm me for the price , I pay good
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