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Everything posted by NREM

  1. Looking for GO Gifts. Paying 7$ max for them with paypal. skype in signature
  2. haha thanks I got 3x 3 digits atm, but keeping 2 for myself. 1 for sales in about a year when 3 digits are most likely not be able to get anymore And 1 for myself ofc
  3. np Ill be online tomorrow again. We have festivals here in the Netherlands because it is "King's day" ! We will discuss it further then
  4. You never made a topic in this section: http://forum.chods-cheats.com/forumdisplay.php?51-VIP-Restoration You have 2 posts, and both are in this topic So u did not provide the information needed to get ur subscription.
  5. 500$ is an acceptable offer, if you want to discuss this further let me know: nrem.level
  6. Accepted, but im gone within a few minutes. It is "Kings Day" here in holland so party party
  7. They are all clean accounts! All are unused and only GO gifted on them! Add me on skype: nrem.level
  8. Leaving a game open takes allot of power. With this it simulates the process but without actually using it! Used for idling.
  9. 3 Digit - SteamID: 0:X:8XX ( Verified on a other site, can do the same here ) - Community page created - VAC clean - Games: HL1 HL2 GO + Few others - PoP for CS:S / GO - GO rank: Supreme Master First Class - idled hours - ESL 2005 account Payments: - Paypal ( Trusted members only ) - Skrill - MM used if needed ( I pick the MM, not you ) Price: - 550$ ( Open for offers 450+ ) Scammers don't bother, everyone gets checked. POST UR OFFER HERE AND I WILL CONTACT YOU.
  10. Made u a nice offer trough PM 8x CS:S accounts for 20$
  11. Tomorrow morning i got a nice new list of 5 digits, ill give u a msg yes you can! i accept Paypal and PSC since that is easy to put on steam wallet Just add me on skype: nrem.level
  12. Don't think such things are allowed here
  13. There was a large list so check ur post there, maybe the had some error finding ur transaction id or something
  14. Not that hard, many of my friends are global so it was a easy way up. Was global at 35wins /SOLD
  15. Yeah true, we can all do that with the thanks button so no need for reactions
  16. So about this section of the forum: http://forum.chods-cheats.com/forumdisplay.php?13-VIP-News I think it is better to lock the topics after creation, else people are going to respond to it and maybe bump older topics so we can't see if there is a new update without pressing on de forum section. And we all know that nobody does that unless there is a update This is what a mean:
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