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Everything posted by Karsdomu

  1. resell per paypal +30%? why that? dafuq :D

  2. ok , then im sowwy can i change the color or chest maybe by myself, or save the settings other way? i cant have lockers, chests and pallets on, its a clutter of one color... please tell coderleone to do something with that color mess ^^
  3. hm, it stands in the cheat status. btw banwave or detection is the same not? XD Dead by Daylight Release: 06.05.19 Last detection: 31.03.20
  4. there was a ban wave early, but i dont be touched by it because i had a break from dbd. i dont know how safe it really is, but at least i trust chods the most. but its annoying that the config isnt get saved and its annoying that you cant adjust the colors of killer / survivor. i like the hack, i mean its a working esp thats fact. but the details could be more defined
  5. yeah but config not get saved. no color change is possible for esp etc. the heal does not heal one state, it heals full. thats way to obvious. it was better before when its just heal one state
  6. damn i wanted to buy it when i move to china, now i stay in europe. jeeez
  7. the team is working as fast as possible to fix it... i guess please be patient im waiting too
  8. cant wait anymore for the new dead by daylight cheese ? thanks for investing into the future
  9. i hope for nice dbd cheese again with more features, but i wish that the dayz hack are nice too go chod
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