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Everything posted by Chod

  1. CHeck the news thread: http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?1603-The-official-WTF-announcement&goto=newpost
  2. That message gets shown when the file's integrity has been comprimised. There is something on your machine interfering with the client.
  3. Rather then sending me 3 PMs with "HEY HOW ACTIVATE NAO PLS" why don't you actually post me the transaction ID so I can verify you?
  4. I found your transaction, paypal says it is pending. So there's some kind of problem with the money on your end. I suggest you contact paypal.
  5. The IP changed you have to flush DNS cache and force refresh page (hold shift+press refresh on firefox/shift+f5 on chrome I think)
  6. Chod


  7. There are no transactions in your account and I can't find anything under that email. I need a transaction ID to verify.
  8. Did you pay with bitpay? If so what was your payment link?
  9. This update shouldn't pose any threat to Chod's Cheats users.
  10. PSC is not planned any time soon. There just isn't enough demand.
  11. Chod


    Teamspeak server is currently down but we will get it up again shortly.
  12. Because I am at home with my family now so the next batch of verifications will take place tomorrow morning (UK time).
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