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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/18 in all areas

  1. I would argue that if anything needed to change, make the cheat some sort of invite-only system and increase the price to make sure its still a good business. This would mean BSG would be unable to get its greasy paws on the cheat to update their memory signatures detection, the overall amount of cheaters would decrease to the benefit of those still willing to pay for it without bringing down profits (a constantly detected cheat makes ZERO profit) AND the community would not perceive the cheating as such a major issue due to the decreased population of cheaters. This would put less pressure on BSG to go all Battleye on us to try to keep detecting even invite-only cheat. I think Chod is doing a hell of a job right now, but those who think this detection is a one-off are probably in for a rude awakening. The cheat is cheap to acquire and has no background checks involved whatsoever so everyone is welcome to buy the cheat including BSG employees. I would certainly agree that the presence of some features such as teleportation and speed need to be discussed, but I don't think thats the primary issue here at the moment. Ofcourse BSG can still ban you for suspicious stats, reports or just plain video evidence so use of common sense is always recommended.
    1 point
  2. again maybe im spaced out, i dont think ive actually watched the trailer but to be fair this video is sick,
    1 point
  3. Welcome room, enjoy your further stay and the best cheese ?
    1 point
  4. Welcome to the best cheat provider around
    1 point
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