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Deadside Review - 500 hours

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I've put a lot of time into this cheese and my overall rating would be: 5/10 It's passable, but it really needs some love.




The ESP function is really the main appeal of it and it does work as it should up to a max render distance of 400m which is plenty for this game, however, the show active weapon and player name features have not worked for a while, meaning you don't know who you're up against or what they're using.


Boxes only render to 100m but that's a gameplay feature, not an issue with the ESP, but there are options on here that don't work, such as view the inventory of boxes. You also cannot see players who are in boats, which can cause an issue.




The aimbot is where the cheese falls down, it just... doesn't work. It will lock on to a player or bot just fine, but with the way weapon sway works in the game, you'll find yourself missing more shots than hitting as the aimbot doesn't keep the reticule locked onto a single point, it will still sway around. 


The aim prediction is another feature that doesn't work, as it will not lead your target at all. Features like visibility check and the distance + fov options also need some fixing, as a player who is visible sometimes can't be targeted and your aimbot will instead lock on to another player or bot behind them.


To sum up, I would say this cheese is very pricey for the limitations it has and could really do with an update.

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