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Internal and External Cheats


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External cheats are a separate process from the game. They do not inject directly into the game, but instead they do it in another process or they even have their own one. Also they don't have a direct a direct access to the memory. They create an overlay on the game and they are perfect to streaming/screenshot proof since if you stream only the game.exe they won't be able to see the cheat.

Internal cheats are Dynamic-Link-Libraries (dll) that get injected direclty into the game itself. They are mcuh more powerfull cheats compared to the external one and they do have direct access to the memory.
The direct access to the memory is important because external are usually slowers in calling functions/hooking function or whatever you wanna do. They are also slower in reading/writing memory.

Note. I'm NOT a coder. I just use C# sometimes for fun. This mean there could be some mistake in what I have wrote just now or there could be much more than that.

Hopefully this helped you a lil bit :)

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  On 04/03/2018 at 12:51, Oxyde said:

External cheats are a separate process from the game. They do not inject directly into the game, but instead they do it in another process or they even have their own one. Also they don't have a direct a direct access to the memory. They create an overlay on the game and they are perfect to streaming/screenshot proof since if you stream only the game.exe they won't be able to see the cheat.

Internal cheats are Dynamic-Link-Libraries (dll) that get injected direclty into the game itself. They are mcuh more powerfull cheats compared to the external one and they do have direct access to the memory.
The direct access to the memory is important because external are usually slowers in calling functions/hooking function or whatever you wanna do. They are also slower in reading/writing memory.

Note. I'm NOT a coder. I just use C# sometimes for fun. This mean there could be some mistake in what I have wrote just now or there could be much more than that.

Hopefully this helped you a lil bit :)

If Internal cheats are so much more powerful, then why would any coder bother to make external cheats? Edited by OhISee
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