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  3. Chods needs to answer for this. The cheats are clearly broken with the new update, yet they continue to sell them at full price. Disable the cheats entirely and give a notice to customers on the https://chods-cheats.com/cheat-status/ page.
  4. Yesterday
  5. that comment was from 4 years ago...
  6. Last week
  7. Why is it currently not possible?
  8. Using aimbot with hillbilly is quite awesome
  9. how do i toggle it on and off in game
  10. Jensketler

    Need a Update

    Scum Update if the Ceat loads Scum Closes
  11. Just bought the cheats and it doesn't work at all. Wtf...
  12. ImMilo

    scum update

    game got a update today idk if its safe or not so just wondering
  13. Would like to buy a 1-month sub for DaD with PayPal

  14. Hi, I'm very curious about the Rust Auto farm/Silent farm, but there are no videos of it in action or what exactly it does. If I could see some that would be great!
  15. Earlier
  16. Yeah the new Unreal Engine 5 patch broke it. This should be on the main page for Chod's dbd cheats.
  17. what the........I just bought it...It's not working. Ha...
  18. AUch78

    Scum Update

    And Again a update...
  19. Fast actions doesn't work though, doesn't for me.
  20. AUch78

    Scum Update

    Update again.
  21. Hi. Not entirely sure where to post this so please don't hit me with a hammer for posting it here. Is it possible that in the future, features like infinite stamina, no exhaustion, no food requirement, stat manipulation etc, could be implemented?
  22. DBD now runs on unreal engine 5. Apparently this broke chods cheats. I see nothing on the website about this though.
  23. Hi All, when is the Gray Zone Warfare cheat expected to be available? Thanks in advance!
  24. Safe cheese that works: Auto dead hard if you use the right key binds. Perks, items, and offerings are safe. The only problem is that items that you select on the cheese won't appear in the end game which can seem suspicious but nobody has ever questioned it so I guess it's ok. If anyone ever says anything, just say maybe it's a "glitch" lol act dumb. Also, offerings don't work however, I noticed that if you choose a different offering, your current offering you selected in dbd WON'T get used up so it's pretty much unlimited offerings if you have them available. Make sure you don't select the SAME offerings or else it will get used up. Unlocker and outfits are fine just make sure not to use any "rare" outfits or charms that only very old players have, so look them up. But if it's in the store, it's pretty safe to use. Now regarding "others" trap immunity and no attack cool down don't work so don't bother with that. Also, make sure that you select fast actions as 0.05, anything more than that is VERY suspicious because you'll be vaulting and doing actions too quickly that others will notice. Last tip is, if you see someone spectating you, don't make any obvious cheese that will make them report you. Good luck.
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